When he was diagnosed, he was given a leaflet and very little support, this has led him to now passionately helping and advocating for those living with bipolar to help them feel more supported in their reality and journey. Dean is now an Ambassador for Bipolar UK and often speaks for the charity on all their platforms.
How do we look after ourselves in a low versus a high? How do we adapt to the different seasons of living with bipolar and how we need to adapt and keep learning every day. The more we learn about ourselves the more we can learn how to live with bipolar.


This is a great episode that discusses the journey and levels of acceptance and how we need to adapt to live well with bipolar.
Thank you in advance for listening,
Emma Belle

Previous episodes include:

Please let us know your feedback on the episodes so far and also any topics or guests you would like us to discuss and feature, we hope you enjoy our new podcast.