Citizens Advice

Free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities

The best place to find government services and information

A confidential emotional support service for anyone in the UK and Ireland.

Bipolar Scotland
Providing information, support and advice to people in Scotland who are affected by bipolar disorder and to all who care for them.

Offer support and advice on a wide range of mental health issues, as well as an information and legal advice line.

Rethink Mental Illness
Works to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life.

Working to improve quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness, including an emotional support line.

Mental Health Foundation
A mental health research, policy and service improvement charity committed to reducing the suffering caused by mental ill health and to help everyone lead mentally healthier lives.

Disability Rights UK
Leading change, working to create a society where everyone with lived experience of disability or health conditions can participate equally as full citizens

Compassion in Dying
Helping you plan ahead to ensure your wishes will be respected. A national charity working to inform and empower people to exercise their rights and choices around end-of-life care.