The Big Give Appeal is now closed. Thanks to your incredible generosity, we reached our £20,000 target! 

You can still donate to help even more people affected by bipolar get support from a community that understands them over the festive season. 

Give the gift of community here

Watch our 'Christmas and Bipolar webinar' here 

Every donation counts

Bipolar symptoms can often be triggered at this time of year when routines are disrupted, and stress levels and expectations are running high.

Your gift will allow someone affected by bipolar to get peer support via a 24/7 eCommunity, an email support service, support groups, and a webinar exploring ways to manage common seasonal triggers of bipolar.

In the run-up to Christmas, we will also host an extra webinar and an online peer support group. Led by staff and volunteers with lived experience, our peer support services offer.

Your gift will empower people

People living with bipolar who get practical and emotional support from our services across the festive period will feel less alone and be better equipped to manage their condition. In a recent survey 74% of people said that going to one of our peer support groups had helped to keep them well

Family and friends will also be empowered with understanding and knowledge about how to support their loved ones during what is often a difficult time of year. 

Last updated: 6 December 2023