Bipolar UK runs over 100 Peer Support Groups across the UK. They are run by trained co-facilitators, and provide a safe, warm and welcoming environment for people who are affected by bipolar disorder, whether directly or indirectly, to meet and discuss what they may have on their minds. As well as regular attendees, some groups also host events and guest speakers.

This month we are focusing on the incredible work done by the Lincoln Support Group, and inviting anyone in the area who needs support to come along. For more information about the Lincoln group, or to find your local Support Group, click here.

Lincoln Support Group

At present there are two main co-facilitators, John and Karrie, both with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. We are hoping that at least one more will be joining us shortly.

Please feel free to join us at any of our meetings. We are a friendly bunch and are always happy to receive new members.

Our meetings are pretty informal, with topics ranging from medication, benefits and other bipolar related topics to general chats about life, the Universe and everything in between. We sometimes even have cake!

Lincoln Support Group Details:

Our support groups are free and open to anyone affected by bipolar, including family, friends and carers. If you don't have a confirmed diagnosis and want to find out about bipolar, and related conditions such as cyclothymia, you are also welcome.

The format of the meetings vary, but you will have the opportunity to introduce yourself, say how you are feeling using the Bipolar UK mood scale and may listen to an invited speaker. The groups are organised and facilitated by volunteers who are affected by bipolar in some way.

If you're interested in joining the group meetings, please email [email protected] with "Lincoln 1st Saturday support group " as the subject line.

Anyone over 18 is welcome. If you're 16 or 17, please bring a parent or guardian.

Meets: 1st Saturday of each month

Time: 1pm - 3pm

Location: Spring Hill House, 29 Spring Hill, Lincoln, LN1 1HB

other bipolar uk support services: 

eCommunity - a 24/7 online and anonymous forum

Peer Support Line - a phone and email service

Work and learning - information and online advice related to work and study

Your donation will help provide a range of services offering the support people  when they need it. You can make sure there's someone at the end of the phone to listen, a nearby group to share lived experiences, a 24-hour peer forum and more.

Together, we can support the person behind the diagnosis of bipolar.